API Object Reference
A reference guide of objects returned by the Proof API.
The borrowers object (Real Estate API Only)
Used in the "Add eNote" call. Details needed to register the eNote with MERS eRegistry for post-closing transfers. If there are multiple borrowers on the eNote, please add an array for each borrower.
value | description |
first_name (string) | First name of the borrower |
last_name (string) | Last name of the borrower |
ssn (string) | SSN of the borrower, with no dashes (i.e. "000000000") |
"first_name": "Bill",
"last_name": "Borrower",
"ssn": "000000000"
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Borrower",
"ssn": "000000001"
The details Field
Used in the user_failed_transaction
event. A user can fail a transaction for a number of reasons.
value | description |
User Exceeded Authentication Attempts | The user failed to pass the knowledge authentication questions 2+ times in a 24 hour period. |
"event": "user_failed_transaction",
"data": {
"transaction_id": "ot_ny695pd",
"details": "User Exceeded Authentication Attempts"
The status Field
Used in the transaction_status_update
event. A transaction changes between one of the following status states.
A transaction may not go through every state. For example, if
is set tofalse
when creating a transaction, thereceived
state may never be entered; similarly, thesent
state would be entered, but no email was actually sent.
value | description |
started | The transaction was created, but has not been sent to the signer. Transactions that have a state of started can be modified. |
sent | The transaction was sent by Proof to the signer. For RealEstate: the transaction is only sent after the title documents have been added and a clear-to-close has provided by you and the title agency. |
received | The signer has received and opened the invitation email. |
completed | The transaction was completed successfully and the completed documents can be recalled. |
completed_with_rejections | The transaction is completed but had documents rejected for notarization by the notary. |
deleted | The transaction was deleted in the UI or via API. |
expired | Expiration date on the transaction was passed before the transaction was completed. |
"event": "transaction_status_update",
"data": {
"transaction_id": "ot_wd3y67d",
"status": "received"
The detailed_status field
The detailed_status is returned as part of the transaction
detailed_status | Description |
draft | Transaction was created and all fields can be edited |
active | Transaction is ready to be signed and transaction access links have been activated. Only appears when Proof emails have been suppressed. |
sent_to_title_agent | For lenders using collaborative transactions, the transaction has been shared with the title agent. The title agent has been notified that the transaction is ready for their documents. |
order_placed | The transaction has been sent to Proof Closing Operations (only applicable to real estate organizations using Proof Closing Operations). |
sent_to_signer | Transaction is ready to be signed and Proof has sent them the transaction invitation email (and SMS if phone number included in signer object). |
recalled | Transaction was recalled to draft status and all fields can now be edited. Real Estate only. |
viewed | Signer has viewed the transaction but not yet started signing. The transaction can be recalled if changes are required. |
meeting_in_progress | A meeting is currently in progress for this transaction. |
attempted | Signer entered the notary meeting but the meeting was ended before the signing was complete. |
partially_complete | For multi-signer transactions, at least one signer has completed their requirements. |
complete | Transaction is complete and all documents are signed |
complete_with_rejections | Transaction is complete, however some documents were rejected in-meeting by the notary. Real estate customers should create a new transaction of type "trailing_docs" with corrected documents. |
esign_complete | For hybrid transactions, the e-sign portion of the signing is complete. |
wet_sign_complete | For hybrid transactions, the wet-sign portion of the signing is complete. Wet-signed documents have been uploaded to Proof. |
awaiting_payment | The transaction is complete but has not been paid for. Documents will not be released until the document has been paid for |
The cosigner Object
Object passed in when creating or updating a transaction_object
name | description |
first_name (string) optional | First name of the cosigner. |
last_name (string) optional | Last name of the cosigner. |
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Bernstein"
The cosigner_info Object
Returned as part of the transaction object.
In the context of a transaction, the cosigner_info
object will only contain information provided by you during the creation of the transaction. In the context of a notarization_record
, the cosigner_info
object will contain the information provided by the cosigner.
name | description |
first_name (string) | First name of the cosigner. |
last_name (string) | Last name of the cosigner. |
email (string) | Email address of the cosigner. |
dob (string) | Date of birth of the cosigner. |
address (address JSON object) | Address of the cosigner. |
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "Cosigner",
"last_name": "Signerson",
"dob": "1996-05-19",
"address": {
"line1": "1005 Langley Street",
"line2": "Apt. 101",
"city": "Victoria",
"state": "CA",
"postal": "91210",
"country": "US"
The document Object
name | description |
id (string) | The Proof unique identifier for the document. Set automatically by the Proof system. |
date_created (string) | Date this document was created, in ISO-8601 format. |
date_updated (string) | Date this document was updated, in ISO-8601 format. |
document_name (string) | Name of the document. |
bundle_position (integer) | 0 indexed position of the document within the bundle. |
is_enote (boolean) | A boolean indicating that the document is an eNote document. |
tracking_id (string) | External, custom ID that can be set in order to filter documents in your system. |
processing_state (string) | A string indicating processing, success, or failure to add documents to the transaction. |
vaulted (boolean) Business API only | Boolean flag indicating whether the authoritative copy of the document will be stored in an eVault upon transaction completion. |
final_document_url (string) | A presigned URL to download the finalized document. |
"id": "do_0004af63-7b4e-422d-93d2-4f053dea39c2",
"date_created": "2017-05-09T16:46:39.767123Z",
"date_updated": "2017-05-09T16:46:39.767123Z",
"document_name": "Document.pdf",
"permissions": [
"bundle_position": 0,
"is_enote": false,
"processing_state": "done"
The processing_state field
The processing_state is returned as part of the document object. (The document object is returned with POST add_documents, PUT update_documents, GET retrieve_transaction and may optionally be returned with POST create_transaction if a document array was included in the POST.)
value | description |
pending | The documents are being downloaded |
done | The documents are done being added to the transaction |
error | Adding the documents to the transaction has failed |
The eNote Object
eNote objects are simply document objects except that the is_enote
attribute of the document is true.
The notarized_document Object
Returned in the Recall Completed Documents endpoint.
name | description |
notarial_acts (array of strings) | The notarial act performed during the notary meeting on this document. Specified by notary. A single document can have multiple notarial acts. Possible notarial acts are: acknowledgement , copy_certification , verification_of_fact , oath_affirmation , jurat . |
document_url (string) | A signed S3 link of the notarized document. |
"notarial_acts": [
"document_url": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets.proof.com/document.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJVT3IPSNH662QU6A&Expires=1449430428&Signature=j%2FTzUuHJkrlbAJZGNpCm3xfxgmE%3D"
The notarization_record Object
name | description |
id (string) | ID of the notarization record. |
meeting_start (string) | Date the notary meeting started, in ISO-8601 format. |
meeting_end (string) | Date the notary meeting ended, in ISO-8601 format. |
notary_name (string) | The name of the notary agent who conducted the notary meeting. |
notary_county_city (string) | The reported city and county of the notary. |
notary_registration (string) | The registration number of the notary agent who conducted the notary meeting. |
signer_info (object) | A signer_info object with information given by the signer. This may differ from the signer_info attached to a transaction eg. the user used a different spelling of their name. |
signers (array of objects) | An array of signer objects with photo ids listed for each signer in the transaction. |
cosigner_info (object) | A cosigner_info object with information given by the signer. This may differ from the signer_info attached to a transaction eg. the user used a different spelling of their name. Only applies to multi-signer transactions. |
notarized_documents (array of objects) | An array of notarized_document objects. Returns tracking_id as a part of the individual document objects. |
verification_credentials (object) | A verification_credentials object. |
signer_photo_identification (object) | A signer_photo_identification object for the primary signer. |
video_url | Download link for the meeting recording.* |
chat_url | Download link for the in-meeting chat record (if applicable)* |
*You must make a GET call to this URL with your API key to download the meeting video or chat.
"id": "me_d763qjn",
"meeting_start": "2022-10-31T13:53:32.389733Z",
"meeting_end": "2022-10-31T13:54:27.207442Z",
"notary_name": "Ima Notary",
"notary_county_city": ", VA",
"notary_registration": "Proof - 09608",
"signer_info": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "Signer1",
"last_name": "Signer1",
"dob": "1999-11-17",
"address": {
"city": "Boston",
"line1": "125 Example Street",
"line2": "",
"state": "MA",
"postal": "02111",
"country": "US"
"signers": [
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "Signer2",
"last_name": "Signer2",
"dob": "1999-11-17",
"address": {
"city": "Boston",
"line1": "125 Example Street",
"line2": "",
"state": "MA",
"postal": "02111",
"country": "US"
"primary_front": "https://46367251841562-proof-productionmirror-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/3aa5d2baa45865c79a0e1997cad63820?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=7fc6ee8eb4653a98e940cb2cffee4d608787c386cc8c59a001c1caa17751633c",
"primary_back": "https://46367584211562-proof-productionmirror-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/3a1f6650a5353cbb8b2ba5c8cfe130b1?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=5ab64a16933c062718be5f274bdc520cae090c4220278c1f5e2728761517193f",
"secondary_front": "https://46367581241562-proof-productionmirror-secure-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/fc35ea48ded73aca61f6c374aafaf6e8?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=10800&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=0f79942ba0daa294fdf83614b789ba8fef3c6eb73479006766909aa0c190f422"
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "Signer1",
"last_name": "Signer1",
"dob": "1990-10-24",
"address": {
"city": "Boston",
"line1": "125 Example Street",
"line2": "",
"state": "MA",
"postal": "02111",
"country": "US"
"primary_front": "https://46367235841562-proof-productionmirror-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/fda3b8f09959e86828c1ab4bf07a6790?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=c1fac28d440df74dfedf2e3d393a54bfc24f391714b052fec2c1dd21d20428e4",
"primary_back": "https://4636758415362-proof-productionmirror-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/2704e26404039ae682b67b48afe3abd1?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=bb8ea9c485ca4f86c444d233b49019c885dd296265742c3fc9c96f66545c4ee6",
"secondary_front": "https://46367522841562-proof-productionmirror-secure-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/d63b35b0f1b8512099da1b13d6290fc8?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=10800&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=02932020f93553cb1c08e32e29964dadf04038a430da697da7b6107345bb9d0d"
"cosigner_info": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "Signer2",
"last_name": "Signer2",
"dob": "1990-10-24",
"address": {
"city": "Boston",
"line1": "125 Example Street",
"line2": "",
"state": "MA",
"postal": "02111",
"country": "US"
"notarized_documents": [
"tracking_id": null,
"notarial_acts": [
"document_url": "https://46367523841562-proof-productionmirror-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/finalized_documents/68cbbb151ae5d868de8e_.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=827b1850d6f21b45d4cd12c4294f0e0bcf5079a8ddbfe9e9c3d1881d51264383"
"verification_credentials": {
"retrieval_id": "776YDR5K",
"retrieval_pin": "ABF7X4",
"last_name": "Signer1",
"date_completed": "10/31/2022"
"signer_photo_identification": {
"primary_front": "https://46367235841562-proof-productionmirror-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/3aa5d2baa45865c79a0e11997cad63820?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=7fc6ee8eb4653a98e940cb2cffee4d608787c386cc8c59a001c1caa17751633c",
"primary_back": "https://4623675841562-proof-productionmirror-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/3a1f6650a5353cbb8b2ba51c8cfe130b1?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=86400&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=5ab64a16933c062718be5f274bdc520cae090c4220278c1f5e2728761517193f",
"secondary_front": "https://46367115841562-proof-productionmirror-secure-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/fc35ea48ded73aca61f61c374aafaf6e8?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAWX5J33QNAB7B5UMG%2F20221031%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20221031T135832Z&X-Amz-Expires=10800&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=0f79942ba0daa294fdf83614b789ba8fef3c6eb73479006766909aa0c190f422"
"video_url": "https://api-internal-mirror.proof.com/v1/transactions/ot_dww6ee8/notarization_records/me_d763qjn/download_asset/RM75593866322bbbf55022be6081af5894302f"
The recording_jurisdiction Object
Only for the RealEstate API.
name | description |
id (string) | A unique identifier for the recording jurisdiction. |
name (string) | The name of the recording jurisdiction. |
state (string) | The US state the recording jurisdiction exists within. |
supported (boolean) | Whether a fully online closing can be performed in this area. |
eligible_title_agencies (collection of title_agency objects) | Any title agencies who are eligible to participate in a transaction in this area. Only present for lender users. |
eligible_title_underwriters (collection of title_underwriter objects) | Any title underwriters who are eligible to participate in a transaction in this area. Only present for title_agency users. |
"id": "rl6rn64np",
"name": "Suffolk",
"state": "MA",
"supported": true,
"eligible_title_agencies": [],
"eligible_title_underwriters": []
The signer Object
Object passed in when creating or updating a transaction object. Can have multiple signer objects in array.
name | description |
email (string) required | The email address of the signer. |
first_name (string) optional | The first name of the signer. |
middle_name (string) optional | The middle name of the signer. |
last_name (string) optional | The last name of the signer. |
phone (object) optional | An object with the country_code and number set. |
address (object) optional | An object with the most recent known address for the primary signer. |
external_id (string) optional | A string representing an ID external to Proof's systems. Use this to associate a signer to an ID that your systems understands, such as a User ID. |
entity (string) optional | Entity the signer is signing on behalf of, required when capacity is present. |
capacity (string) optional | The signers capacity when signing on behalf of an entity, required when entity is present. |
order (string) optional | The order the signer should complete their requirements in during a multi-signer transaction. See Signing Order. |
"signers": [
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "FNSigner",
"middle_name": "MNSign",
"last_name": "LNSignerson",
"phone": {
"country_code": "1"
"address": {
"line1":"123 main st",
"line2":"Apt 45",
"city": "Fairfax",
"state": "VA",
"external_id": "guid1012",
"entity" : "Business Entity",
"capacity": "Boss person"
The signer_info Object
Returned as part of the notarization and transaction record.
In the context of a transaction, the signer_info
object will only contain information provided by you during the creation of the transaction. In the context of a notarization_record
, the signer_info
object will contain the information provided by the signer.
name | description |
first_name (string) | The first name of the primary signer. |
last_name (string) | The last name of the primary signer. |
email (string) | The email address of the primary signer. |
transaction_access_link (string) | |
dob (string) | Date of birth in MM-DD-YYYY format. |
address (address JSON object) | Address of the primary signer. |
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "Signer",
"last_name": "Signerson",
"transaction_access_link": "https://app.proof.com/activate-transaction?bundle_id=some-bundle-id&code=some-code&[email protected]",
"dob": "1996-05-19",
"address": {
"line1": "1005 Langley Street",
"line2": "Apt. 101",
"city": "Victoria",
"state": "CA",
"postal": "91210",
"country": "US"
The signer_photo_identification Object
Returns URL links for the front and back of the primary ID, and the front of the secondary ID if applicable.
name | description |
primary_front (string) | A signed S3 link of the front of the signer's primary photo identification. |
primary_back (string) | A signed S3 link of the back of the signer's primary photo identification. |
secondary_front (string) | A signed S3 link of the front of the signer's secondary photo identification. Only returned if a secondary form of identification was captured. |
"primary_front": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets.proof.com/primary_front.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJVT3IPSNH662QU6A&Expires=1449430428&Signature=j%2FTzUuHJkrlbAJZGNpCm3xfxgmE%3D",
"primary_back": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets.proof.com/primary_back.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJVT3IPSNH662QU6A&Expires=1449430428&Signature=j%2FTzUuHJkrlbAJZGNpCm3xfxgmE%3D",
"secondary_front": "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assets.proof.com/primary_back.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJVT3IPSNH662QU6A&Expires=1449430428&Signature=j%2FTzUuHJkrlbAJZGNpCm3xfxgmE%3D"
The street_address Object
Returned as part of the transaction object, and used as input for transaction creation and verifying an address
When this object is returned, the full_address attribute will be set, but this attribute cannot be used currently as input.
name | description |
line1 (string) | The first line of the address. |
line2 (string) | The second line of the address. |
city (string) | The city/town of the address. |
state (string) | The two character abbreviation for the US state of the address. |
zip_code (string) | The ZIP code for the address. |
full_address (string) | The combined street address. Only included in responses. |
"line1": "745 Boylston St.",
"line2": "Suite 600",
"city": "Boston",
"state": "MA",
"zip_code": "02116",
"full_address": "745 Boylston St. Suite 600 Boston MA 02116"
The title_agency Object
name | description |
id (string) | A unique identifier for the title agency. |
name (string) | The name of the title agency. |
alta_id (string) | The ALTA Universal ID for the title agency. |
elligible_underwriters (collection of title_underwriter objects) | Any title underwriters who are eligible to participate in a transaction with this title agency. |
"id": "or8znm4dd",
"name": "Title Agency Company",
"alta_id": "123",
"eligible_underwriters": []
The title_underwriter Object
name | description |
id (string) | A unique identifier for the title underwriter. |
name (string) | The name of the title underwriter. |
"id": "oryxdwjnk",
"name": "Title Underwriter Company"
The transaction Object
If you'd like broader details on what the transaction experience is like, or how to create, modify, and handle transactions from the Proof app, see our Transactions guide.
name | description |
id (string) | A unique identifier for the transaction. |
date_created (string) | Date this transaction was created, in ISO-8601 format. |
date_updated (string) | Date this transaction was updated, in ISO-8601 format. |
transaction_name (string) | Short, human-readable name for the transaction - eg. Miguel's TPS notarization for Leeroy. Only returned if transaction_name was set when the transaction was created. |
external_id (string) Business API only | A string representing an ID external to Proof's systems. Use this to associate a transaction to an ID that your systems understand, such as a User ID. |
transaction_type (string - Business API) (enumeration - Real Estate API) | Short, human-readable description of the transaction. Can be used to categorize transactions by their purpose or by general type. Only returned if transaction_type was set when the transaction was created. |
require_secondary_photo_id (boolean) | When true, the signer cannot proceed to a notary meeting without providing two forms of photo ID for verification. When false, only one form of photo ID is required. |
loan_number (string) Real Estate API only | Unique value used to map transactions to your own records and systems. Providing loan_number as part of a create transaction request ensures it is visible to all users to manage the transaction. However, once an eNote is added to the transaction, the loan_number value is overwritten with the loan number that is embedded within the eNote to avoid the potential for conflict. |
file_number (string) | Unique value used to map transactions to a title agency’s records and systems. Including this value helps streamline communications with the title company who is supporting the transaction. |
activation_time (string) Real Estate API only | An ISO-8061 formatted DateTime String, optionally including a timezone offset. If timezone offset is not provided, the Proof for Mortgage account’s default timezone settings will be applied. This param sets the time after which the signer is permitted to connect with a notary to complete the transaction. If a signer attempts to connect with a notary before this time is reached, the signer will be only permitted to review documents. |
expiration_time (string) Real Estate API only | An ISO-8061 formatted DateTime String, optionally including the timezone offset. If timezone offset is not provided, the accounts default timezone settings will be applied. This param sets an expiration period on the transaction. |
documents (object) | The list of document objects that make up the transaction bundle. |
signer_info (object) | A signer_info object which only includes information that you set when creating the transaction. |
cosigner_info (object) | A cosigner_info object which inlcudes the cosigner information set when creating the transaction. |
street_address (object) | A street_address object representing the street_address associated with the transaction. |
recording_jurisdiction (object) Real Estate API only | A recording_jurisdiction object representing the recording_jurisdiction associated with the transaction. |
title_agency (object) Real Estate API only | A title_agency object representing the title_agency associated with the transaction. |
title_underwriter (object) Real Estate API only | A title_underwriter object representing the title_underwriter associated with the transaction. |
status (string) | Set to one of the status values. |
notarization_record (string) | An ID to retrieve the notarization_record for this transaction, including the notarized document. Only returned if the transaction's status is completed . |
message_to_signer (string) Business API only | Message to signer using GitHub Flavored Markdown. Html, images, links, and code are stripped out. Can be used to provide instructions, thank customers, add additional context to the transaction, or simply to add a personal touch. The message will be added to the email sent to the signer. Only returned if a message_to_signer was provided during transaction creation. |
message_signature (string) Business API only | A message signature to append to message_to_signer . Only returned if a message_signature was provided during transaction creation. |
detailed_status (string) | Set to one of the detailed_status values |
audit_trail_url (string) | An S3 link to a pdf file showing the audit trail for the specified transaction. |
"id": "ot_anpr8qn",
"date_created": "2016-10-01T18:52:44.725Z",
"date_updated": "2016-10-02T20:13:54.245Z",
"transaction_name": "Johnson Refi - San Antonio",
"transaction_type": "30 Year Owner/Occupied Refinance",
"require_secondary_photo_id": true,
"loan_number": "12345678",
"file_number": "87654321",
"activation_time": "2017-09-03T18:37:42.000-03:00",
"expiration_time": "2017-09-06T18:37:42-03:00",
"documents": [
"id": "do_0004af63-7b4e-422d-93d2-4f053dea39c2",
"date_created": "2017-05-09T16:46:39.767123Z",
"date_updated": "2017-05-09T16:46:39.767123Z",
"document_name": "pdf.pdf",
"allowed_actions": [
"bundle_position": 0
"id": "do_d0e14332-bc40-493d-b710-48719bf077b5",
"date_created": "2017-05-09T16:46:40.685716Z",
"date_updated": "2017-05-09T16:46:40.685716Z",
"document_name": "pdf-sample.pdf",
"allowed_actions": [
"bundle_position": 1
"signer_info": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"first_name": "Signer",
"last_name": "Signerson",
"transaction_access_link": "https://app.proof.com/activate-transaction?bundle_id=some-bundle-id&code=some-code&[email protected]"
"cosigner_info": {
"first_name": "Bill",
"last_name": "Mann"
"street_address": {
"line1": "745 Boylston St.",
"line2": "Suite 600",
"city": "Boston",
"state": "MA",
"zip_code": "02116",
"full_address": "745 Boylston St. Suite 600 Boston MA 02116"
"recording_jurisdiction": {
"id": "rl6rn64np",
"name": "Suffolk",
"state": "MA",
"supported": true
"title_agency": {
"id": "or8znm4dd",
"name": "Title Agency Company",
"alta_id": "123"
"title_underwriter": {
"id": "oryxdwjnk",
"name": "Title Underwriter Company"
"status": "completed",
"audit_trail_url": "https://463675841562-proof-productionmirror-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/4aca4ea65ecd564a00be_AuditTrail.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAITYYWRNAHD2HZKXQ%2F20210211%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=2021T163218Z&X-Amz-Expires=900&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=c920aba097aefb4cb80a451696f7e2bcdcdccdc07a43736def54fd01",
"organization_id": "or_nqrxqad"
"notarization_record" : "me_nscocls"
"notarization_records" ["me_oixckws","me_ixioxsl","me_nscocls"]
The verification_credentials Object
The verification_credentials object holds all the information required for anyone to verify the notarized or completed document at Proof's Verification Portal.
This information may be useful to include in transactional emails that your service sends to relying parties, or for display in a secure dashboard or other internal systems. You should be selective and careful about who can access the information since it can be used to retrieve the completed document as well as personal information of the signer.
name | description |
retrieval_id (string) | Document ID in the verification portal. |
retrieval_pin (string) | Document PIN in the verification portal. |
last_name (string) | The signer's last name. |
date_completed (string) | Date of notarization in ISO-8601 format. |
"retrieval_id": "CTJHT32H",
"retrieval_pin": "7RNTNN",
"last_name": "Lee",
"date_completed": "10/19/2016"
The signing_designations Array
This array contains a prescribed list of designations for signers and/or a notary to annotate the document.
Name | Description |
signer_identifier | For signers, the external_id value set on the signers array when creating a transaction; for witnesses, witness{n} i.e. witness1 or witness2 ; for notaries, notary |
type | Must be one of the enumerated values for signers: address_line1 address_line2 address_city address_state address_zip5 checkmark radio_checkmark date_signed dob first_name free_text full_name initials last_name middle_name signature signature_and_date Or one of the enumerated values for witnesses: checkmark radio_checkmark date_signed first_name free_text full_name initials last_name middle_name signature signature_and_date Or one of the enumerated values for notaries: checkmark radio_checkmark commission_expiration_date commission_state county date_signed first_name full_name initials last_name middle_name notary_city notary_id principal_id_type seal signature signature_and_date |
page_number | The page number where this designation should be placed. (The first page is 0 .) |
x | The x-coordinate, from bottom left corner of the page, in pdf local coordinate system. |
y | The y-coordinate, from bottom left corner of the page, in pdf local coordinate system. |
height | Height of the space for the designation, in pdf local coordinate system. |
width | Width of the space for the designation, in pdf local coordinate system. |
font_size | *Beta: Values in this field are not currently respected. Usage of this field will be evaluated during the beta period for possible future support. |
hint | Text signer should see, and/or what information the signer should place in the field. |
signing_designation_group | The name of the Signing Designation Group to which the Signing Designation belongs (for types radio_checkmark and checkmark only). See the Signing Designation Group section below for more details. |
optional | Boolean value indicating if the designation is optional (true) or required (false). Defaults to false. |
instruction | Field instruction to display to the assigned user (signer or notary) when they click on it during the signing session. Maximum of 500 characters, not supported for checkboxes/radio buttons. |
The signing_designation_groups Array (beta)
This array contains a specified list of groups for radio_checkmark and checkmark designations. Grouped designations can be used to logically enforce minimum and/or maximum fulfillment requirements. For example a group of three radio_checkmark designations that require one to be fulfilled (checked) or a group of five checkmark designations that are optional (none or all 5 may be checked).
Name | Description |
name | The specified name of the group, type string. Use a naming convention of your choice, the only restrictions are that the name must be between 1 and 64 characters and can consist of alpha-numeric characters, hyphens, parentheses, and underscores. In a regular expression: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-()]{1,64}$/ |
min_required | a positive integer between 0 and N where N is the minimum number of designations in the group that must be fulfilled (checked). |
max_required | a positive integer between min_required and N where N is the maximum number of designations in the group that are allowed to be fulfilled. NOTE: max_required cannot be set to greater than 1 for designation groups used with radio_checkmark type signing designations. |
"signing_designation_groups" : [
"name" : "a_required_radio_group",
"min_required" : 1
"max_required" : 1
"name" : "ABigOptionalCheckboxGroup",
"min_required" : 0
"max_required" : 10
"name" : "Pick-3-to-5",
"min_required" : 3
"max_required" : 5
Updated 3 months ago